Achievement and School Learning Plan

Measures of Student Achievement and Success

Achievement is measured according to the Ministry standards. Staff are committed to maintaining open communication between themselves and parents.

In the spring of each year, grades 3 and 6 students participate in the EQAO provincial assessment of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. This assessment takes place over a five day period with the individual student results sent home in the fall of the following year.

Several times during the year, teachers administer reading benchmark assessments as part of our guided reading program. Our kindergarten teacher administers the Early Learning Observation Tool which provides important information to guide instructional choices.

Measurement of student achievement is ongoing and done through rubrics, student projects, portfolios, daily assignments, peer evaluation, cooperative learning, and student-led conferences all which are used to guide instructional approaches and strategies.

School Learning Plan

Along with the analysis of our EQAO results, we have reviewed daily observations of student performance, report card marks, OCDSB tests, and a variety of demographic factors.

Literacy, Numeracy, and Character Education are the three main areas of focus at our school. We are working in all three areas to ensure a collective, cross- divisional effort is made to provide ample opportunities for our students to be successful. As a school, we continue to focus on literacy and numeracy. This year’s School Learning Plan focuses on Mathematics.
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